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Graduate seminar 20th and 21st August 2019

The Graduate Seminar series in the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Science is an annual activity designed to give opportunity to graduate students at both M.Sc and PhD. Graduate Seminar I for both Level 800 and 900 focuses on current advancements in fisheries resource management, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences.

Graduate Seminar II allows postgraduate students to undertake a critical review of classical and recent literature on topics of current concern to aquaculture or fisheries resources conservation and management.

In both cases, the topics for research selected under guidance from departmental graduate faculty. The students make an oral presentation and also submit term paper that both forms the final assessment.

Download the full report below.


Graduate Seminar Program.pdf (326.29 KB)

Graduate Seminar Report.pdf (570.48 KB)

Seminar Activities